Friday, July 2, 2010

Hoping for an easygoing weekend.

One of my favorite paintings by Monet. I wish I could spend some time relaxing there.

There are a lot of things I'm looking forward to this weekend. Tonight we celebrate my grandma's 80th birthday with my dad's family. Our friend Martha will be in town for Bizarre Bazaar which is happening in conjunction with the Larchmere Festival and Flea Market. All of which is located just a couple of blocks from our house. After a few weeks of work, our tandem bike has freshly painted yellow fenders, rust free bits and pieces, new head light and tail light, and snazzy white walls. Just a few tweaks to the breaks and we should be able to take it for a ride tomorrow morning. To top it off, it's 4th of July weekend and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing fireworks in the streets of Little Italy. 


  1. Oh maybe I will see you and your pretty bike at Larchmere! We have another book event at Loganberry Books that day!(:

  2. Cheryl, Thanks again for everything! It was so great to see you two weekends in a row. We need to try to make it not so long next time. You and Andrew are always welcome at our place, so please feel free to visit Indy!
