Sunday, December 7, 2008

Despite the cold...

...I'm keeping warm on the couch with Charley Harper, an illustrated life. I'm pretty sure I requested this book from the library even before I graduated this spring. Yesterday I got the notification that it was finally available for me to take home and enjoy. Charley Harper was a big influence on me while I was working on my BFA and continues to be an influence in my current work. I love how his simple, flat illustrations can still convey so much energy and depth.

(I love this image because it reminds me of when Andrew and I visited the redwood forest this summer and the awesome overwhelming size of the trees there.)

"Do whatever work attracts you, do it as well as you can and keep on doing it, and something will happen sooner or later."
-Charley Harper


  1. this quote makes me question the direction my life has taken.

    flubber is a necessary toxin upon the playscape of childhood.

    redwoods will snap yer life into perspective like a farm wife snaps the necks of chickens.


  2. I <3 Mr. Harper.

    Living proof of this quote is approximately 30 min. from my house.(:
