Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The struggle with the spritz cookies.

Spritz cookies are my dad's favorite. Spritz cookies are a struggle.

Over the years we have learned that there are three variables that can go horribly wrong when making spritz cookies. Number one - the cookie press/gun. Number two - the dough consistency. Number three - the flavor of the dough. Failure to succeed at any of these variables can result in: hand cramps, crumbly cookies, cookies in the shape of mushed blobs, cookies with too much almond flavor, cookies with no flavor, or a wasted hour of your life.

This year we went through three guns and in the end decided to finally retire one of them. And after a couple of sheets of un-recognizeable, but tasty, cookies blobs we finally succeeded in making a few trays of perfectly wonderful spritz cookies.

1 comment :

  1. i made spritz cookies for the first time yesterday! well, just the dough. but today we will be using the fancy "gun" i found at marshalls for 15 dollars for my friend christalyn who is ecstatic to use it. she is in love with these cookies and i can't wait to make them for the first time today! we dyed some red and some green... hopefully they'll turn out delish. we couldn't stop tasting the cookie dough yesterday.
